
Digital Photography - Tips on Lighting

Due to rapid advances in photographic technology in the recent years it has become more and more exciting to many. There many things to learn in digital photography even with a point and shoot or digicam. However, one should not get misled to think that point and shoot will give you the ultimate in photography due to its ease of use. We may agree that whether use a point and shoot camera worth few dollars or a very expensive Digital SLR, capturing great images require something extra. The secret is having adequate lighting. Irrespective of what camera you use, if you do not use appropriate lighting conditions suit your photo occasion, you are certain to get disappointed owing to poor quality images. Any photographer should realize, lighting is the essential ingredient on any photography. 1.Time of the Day for Photography

The deciding the right time of the day for photography has a major influence on your final photos you take. Having natural lighting or sunlight or halogen ligting will have a huge impact on your final outcome. There is no restriction in taking photos indoors without light, however, if natural sunlight streaming in will certainly help you to get very clear pictures. Irrespective of your type of camera used, if the lighting is used prudently, you are sure to achieve dramatic results, getting the best out of your pictures. 2.Use of Flash

The natural lighting will be the ideal when you need to take excellent pictures, but in real life, we face the situation where natural light is not available. For example, taking pictures during the in the night when natural light is missing. Under these circumstances we have to depend good artificial lights. All digital cameras come with a built in flash, which will help you to overcome low light situation. You may have experienced in ending up with too dark and grainy pictures. Many times, in low lighting situations, you'll end up with poor pictures.

If you want bright and clear photos, Halogen lights may be a good option but be-careful it often result in less colorful and uninteresting pictures. Always try to ensure that your light is directed to your subject sideways not directing from behind which will obscure your line of site. You will want to ensure that your light is focused on your subject from the side. If you need softer photos, you have to have different color lighting.

- The History of Modern Photography
- Digital stock photos

The History of Modern Photography

Its amazing how photography has evolved from simple pinhole camera to the most advanced digital single reflex cameras. Beginning with the humble pinhole camera, which was developed in 1600s and then in 1850. From successful recording of positive image on a metal plate, photographic industry has evolved into a giant digital age. In earlier days photographic equipment were very hefty and heavy. For example,during the Civil War, photographic equipment involved two horse wagons coupled with lightproof buggy. The biggest limitation in earlier days was lighting. As such early photographic industry was limited to light sources available. 1.Impact of Incandescent Lighting on Photography

Until the incandescent bulb including the flash bulbs were invented around 1880s, indoor photography was difficult and tricky. On the invention of flash effect (using powdered magnesium in a vacuum tube) serious portrait photography was a reality. Similarly, metal plate positive imagery was replaced by flexible films using celluloid, which enable to print hundreds of photos, utilizing a single film roll. Robert Eastman, is the first creator and an entrepreneur to develop and sell these new film cameras in mass scale. He is the founder of Kodak Eastman Inc.

The new Kodak camera had a double lens shutter box including a roll of film in it. To get your prints, you shipped the entire camera back to New York, where the film was secured, prints made, and the camera re-loaded before it was shipped back to the photographer. The whole process of developing photos and the prints to be received took nearly three weeks which means lot of waiting time. 2. Introduction of Photo Processing

During the 1930s, with the introduction of Kodachrome color processing, colors in photography was available to many. Through the 1940s and 1950s, most photograph processing took place at photography labs in major cities, while the turnaround time for processing photographs was cut to about four days. In the late 1940s, the next phase of the photographic revolution was catalyzed by Edwin Land a Chemist. His extensive research resulted in the development of Polaroid Process. The Polaroid camera was an instant success. This made it possible to take a picture, remove a print from the camera, peel off the protective layer, and see it slowly fade into view. 3.Development of Fast Processing Speeds

Even with the popularity of the Polaroid camera, only the Japanese company, Fuji, that made the first breakthrough by introducing "disposable" camera in mid '80s. The disposable camera made by Fuji, was an immediate challenger to the Kodak Polaroid model. you bought a camera, loaded the film, taken photos, handed the film to studio, and got your negatives and pictures back. Usually the photo studios was located at a corner drug store, and the time taken to process the pictures was within 24 hours. 4.Invention of Digital Camera

The popularity of film cameras was beginning to decrease in early 1988, when Fuji introduced the first generation digital camera, called DS-1P utilizing CMOS sensors. The difference between this camera and the traditional film camera was it can instantly display photographs taken, which allowed the user to review or delete or print them at once. Since then wide range of digital cameras have flooded the market as such the art of taking a photos has become reality to many. If you are interested, there are many online photography courses to be selected.

How you can Photograph Babies
18 interesting ideas For Your Photo Reproduction

How you can Photograph Babies

If theres something who grows faster than any tree or plant life in this world, its a child! One minute they are born and next they are asking for the keys to your car. This leaves an impression that those early precious years are gone in an instant. Then you can look back and make sure that you got all your memories recorded...using photography.

Babies and digital photography actually is quite a lot of fun. (Digital photography alone is fun, and adding photographing of a baby makes it even funnier, because you get more time to spend with the children.) We can show you some ways to immortalize your nice baby using digital photography. First thing, make sure you always have the camera at hand. It's very important that you photograph the baby as he/she grows, so that you don't miss all something. This means always make sure that the digital camera is charged, and has memory card in it, plus keep it close to you so you are ready to take pictures with every opportunity. Youll never know when the child takes the first step, laughs or takes a smile at you, so you with the digital camera should always be ready to capture these moments.

Digital photography plus babies require 3 P's: Patience, patience, and patience. Right when you expect that the baby will do something fantastic, you prepare and think "wow, this moment will give a really nice picture!" the baby can disappoint you with not giving the photo which you are expecting. Hence, it pays to be patient. (This is the reason why you have to be prepared all the time.) Eventually youll get a superb shot, but you have to be extremely patient and have faith that the moment will come. You could also find that moments when you dont expect at all, prove to be the best moments for taking pictures.

From the point of view of the composition, taking pictures of babies proves a great chance to learn a lot about the artistic skills that you may have. Make sure that you get different photos like intimate shots, having the baby to interact with her or his environment. Use the natural light because babies dont like flash a lot. You could put the baby near the window along with toys and then let the sun in the afternoon to provide light for you. Also try black and white photos, or take them color and change the pictures to black and white. Be fast! Babies move at the speed of light and their expressions when looking to Thomas the tank can change in 2 seconds after looking at Whinny the Pooh. So wouldn't be a shame missing Thomas the Tank expression?

You will take thousands of photos, but thats OK, cause the child will give different expressions in different situations, so capture all of them.

- Digital stock photos
- 18 interesting ideas For Your Photo Reproduction

18 interesting ideas For Your Photo Reproduction

You need to decorate using something personal, but you can't find it. It could be as close as the photo collection whether it is in Grandma's photo album or a modern digital system for photos. You could order some custom photo reproduction or have one-of-a-kind product as a central point or either an accent to a home or office decoration scheme. We have a list of more than 18 ideas that could help to inspire you.

Think outside the photo album then decide what to convert into a personal, permanent work of art: 1. Precious home: your mainly residence, or an ancestral home, or your dream home 2. Some landscape: snowy mountain tops, flowering meadows, desert sunsets 3. Seascape : waves cresting with surfers in the picture, sailboats heading into the home port coming back from trips around the world, or a full moon that is reflecting off. 4. Some person's portrait: a hero, an ancestor, a loved relative, your whole family 5.

Some animal: your favourite pet, a dog eating bones from your kid's hand, giraffes in their natural habitats 6. Special events: graduation, a wedding, awards ceremonies 7. Historical buildings: United States capital, Westminster Abbey 8. A wonder from the world: Taj Mahal from India, the Great Pyramids of Egypt, Mayan Ruins from Mexico 9. Sentimental buildings: a church in which you have married, a hotel where you have been for the ideal vacation, a theatre where you had your first kiss or have starred in a play 10.

Some valuable items: antique pieces of furniture, heirloom musical instruments, collection of jewelries 11. Some sentimental centerpiece: a classic novel having grandpa's glasses beside a candle, a notepad and the pencil you have used to write your first novel, your mother's china 12. Memorable scenes: a library setting having rows of books, red-tailed hawks sitting on tree limbs, set of alphabet blocks thrown around the room making a word. 13. Symbol for your life: a tree that your parents have planted on the day that you were born, the Statue of Liberty in United States 14.

Your most favorite toy: old train set, first bike, 15. Still lives: a bouquet of roses received from your fianc, the first fruit taken from your orchard, top of the wedding cake including a champagne bottle 16. Favorite vacation destinations: Thailand, Cayman Islands, New York 17. Work processes; how cheese is made, steps in creating porcelain dolls, evolution of the business locations you took from start up to major employer 18.Wisdom words: meaningful poems, inspirational quotes, list of affirmations.

- Money stock photos
- Nature stock photos


Tips On Digital Photography at Time of the Day or Any Kind Of Weather

If you are adventurous photographer, nothing even bad weather prevent you taking rare digital photos. During bad weather very few people opt to go out and take pictures, but important to know the photos taken under bad weather may have an artistic value and also, will be most appealing to a professional photographer. For example, most of these photos can really be rare and creative weather photos such as capturing a rainy afternoon or lightening thunder storms, or snow. Less people take such images means these are rare and are in great demand. These kind of photo expeditions are ideal for a creative and a daring type photographers who is looking for excitement. Visit for more information on how to take pictures in any kind of weather. 1.Taking Pictures In Rainy Weather

When raining, every thing around you will tend to shine. In essence, irrespective where you take photos, during rain every thing around you give added glitter. Using your Digital camera, you are certain to create nice and rare pictures when shooting in rainy weather. One may doubt that inadequate light conditions will result in dark unexciting pictures. It is not so, because the rain condition with a few large size clouds can allow the ideal natural light setting without shadows for your photo.

Similarly, photographing landscapes with slight rainy condition and with few wildlife in it, will certainly create dramatic sceneries or photographs. These types settings come your way by luck, this means you have to be at the right place at the right time above all your alertness. When going out for shooting under rainy weather, please make sure to protect your expensive camera or the lens by covering to keep rain droplets landing on the lens. 2.Taking Photos Under Lightening

When taking photo under lightning, you need to be quick to capture the right moment. In other words, shooting lightening effects is not easy because it happens spontaneously., you need to capture it at the right time which is very uncertain. This means you have to be ready or armed with right equipment and settings. For example, you need to have a tripod and the shutter speed to be set very low. Alternatively, your can operate the shutter manually, and close it as the lighting appears on the sky or bolted down to the earth. More brighter this type of photos more exciting it will be. 3.Taking Snow Photography

Snow photography has been popular among creative photographers. The snow creates a very soothing contrast with it's surroundings. When you take photos, snow as a background or snow melting off the tree branches will give you very beautiful images. Some nice nature shots or friends and family playing in the snow, or you could even get a nice portrait type picture with snow all around. You have the flexibility to try out different things in digital photography, even things that out of the ordinary. Make sure you have all the right gear and the drive to get out there and take risks is all you need, no matter what mother nature has in mind for that occasion.