
How you can Photograph Babies

If theres something who grows faster than any tree or plant life in this world, its a child! One minute they are born and next they are asking for the keys to your car. This leaves an impression that those early precious years are gone in an instant. Then you can look back and make sure that you got all your memories recorded...using photography.

Babies and digital photography actually is quite a lot of fun. (Digital photography alone is fun, and adding photographing of a baby makes it even funnier, because you get more time to spend with the children.) We can show you some ways to immortalize your nice baby using digital photography. First thing, make sure you always have the camera at hand. It's very important that you photograph the baby as he/she grows, so that you don't miss all something. This means always make sure that the digital camera is charged, and has memory card in it, plus keep it close to you so you are ready to take pictures with every opportunity. Youll never know when the child takes the first step, laughs or takes a smile at you, so you with the digital camera should always be ready to capture these moments.

Digital photography plus babies require 3 P's: Patience, patience, and patience. Right when you expect that the baby will do something fantastic, you prepare and think "wow, this moment will give a really nice picture!" the baby can disappoint you with not giving the photo which you are expecting. Hence, it pays to be patient. (This is the reason why you have to be prepared all the time.) Eventually youll get a superb shot, but you have to be extremely patient and have faith that the moment will come. You could also find that moments when you dont expect at all, prove to be the best moments for taking pictures.

From the point of view of the composition, taking pictures of babies proves a great chance to learn a lot about the artistic skills that you may have. Make sure that you get different photos like intimate shots, having the baby to interact with her or his environment. Use the natural light because babies dont like flash a lot. You could put the baby near the window along with toys and then let the sun in the afternoon to provide light for you. Also try black and white photos, or take them color and change the pictures to black and white. Be fast! Babies move at the speed of light and their expressions when looking to Thomas the tank can change in 2 seconds after looking at Whinny the Pooh. So wouldn't be a shame missing Thomas the Tank expression?

You will take thousands of photos, but thats OK, cause the child will give different expressions in different situations, so capture all of them.

- Digital stock photos
- 18 interesting ideas For Your Photo Reproduction

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